Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Way over due, meaning that I just photographed her wedding this past weekend.  Yep I'm so far behind but am still trying to catch up.

 This is Kirstie, one of the sisters of the double wedding I did this last weekend.  Kirstie is so pretty with her big brown eyes and olive skin, she is a beauty.  I will say it again, La Caille is an awesome place to shoot and I am so glad that Kirstie and her sister Elisha (her bridals are two posts ago) chose to do their bridals there.  Plenty of options for two beautiful brides!

Keep watch for their weddings in the next couple of weeks, but don't hold your breath because when I get too busy my blog is the first thing I neglect.  I know it's sad but true.  I am trying to do better, but time just doesn't allow right now, maybe one day.

1 comment:

Krystine Stephenson said...

I just found your blog, off another blog in blog land. I just wanted to tell you that I think your photos are amazing and I want to be like you! :)

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