Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dax - newborn

This is my adorable new nephew, Dax.  He is going to be about 5 months older than my baby.  Yep, you heard that right I am pregnant again and due at the end of March.  Pretty exciting but that's one of the reasons my blog posts are few and far between.  I have been so exhausted this pregnancy, it's been very different.  We're super excited to add another one to our bunch.  

Dax sure has made me excited to have another newborn around.  I am ready to hold another little one in my arms.  

I went to Denver a couple of weeks ago and still need to post some of the shoots I did while I was there.  Hopefully I'll get around to it sooner than later.  It was a fun trip visiting an old friend and meeting a bunch of new families that I was lucky to photograph.  

Today is a little different day being that it's the 5th anniversary of my sweet angel boy that returned to his Heavenly Father 5 years ago today.  It's been a little emotional but I have been able to spend the day loving my two that I have here with me and being able to look back on the memories that we were privileged to create with Payton during his short earth life.  We visited Payton's grave tonight with the kids and they love to give his picture kisses on his headstone.  I love that my kids know who he is and that he will always be part of our family. 

Thanks to all of my friends and family that have given me calls or texts to tell me they are thinking of us on this day!

I love when newborns open their eyes and stare right at me!

This was near the end of the session and he was starving.  He found his thumb and sucked on it for a few minutes... pretty dang cute! 


Chanté said...

Congrats! That's so exciting for you guys! I've wondered what you've been up to.

The Bryan Family said...

Hey, I have been thinking about you today. You are the strongest person ever. Love ya!!!

Julie H. said...

He's perfect. The pictures are perfect. Thank you.

Payton is very much alive in you and the life you and Jerermy live. Love you both!

Heather said...

Amanda and Jeremy CONGRATULATIONS! I really admire both of you!

aliciamae100 said...

LOVE your work!! such gorgeous images!!! I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I could stare at yours!

Ellen Halladay said...

really cute photos. congratulations on your announcement.

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