Monday, August 10, 2009

Cassidy, Kate, & Brooklyn

These adorable girls are from California and I am so glad they're mom called to schedule them in while they were in town visiting family.  I mean look at all of these girls, they are gorgeous and they have the sweetest and cutest personalities.  Once again I took way too many pictures and with faces like these it was too hard to narrow it down so I had to do a few collages.  

The lighting, location, and color choices of outfits were perfect!


Meg said...

I love all of them!!! Thank you so much for taking my baby's pictures! I printed so many of them and they are hanging on the wall now. I put some of my favorites on my blog, so you're welcome to see it. Thanks again.

Kira said...

These pictures are fantastic!! I came across your blog from Lindsays, it looks like you did a fantastic job at capturing these girls personalities. LOVE THEM!!

Andee said...

WOW! Those are some gorgeous girls

Heather Walker said...

I love your pics and I love that Jeep. Where is it located?

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